Saturday 22 October 2022

Could my blog embarrass my children?

Apparently another of my daughters friends has found my blog. Will it change what I post? No.  Friends of hers have found it before and that did not change anything. As people have noticed it is anonymous and when comments have been made that provide too much information about me or my family, they end up not published. The difference of course is the bond between her friend and me, but that is a different story for another day.

We have been out to celebrate her birthday and have been to Lucca in Manningtree which we all loved.  We have celebrated many an occasion there and there is no doubt that we will return.

Today has been a day of relaxing. Leia had diarrhoea in her crate yesterday which my fantastic wife had to clear up as I had to get to work. Today she seemed to be fine and enjoyed herself but sadly threw up later in the afternoon. She appears to be back to normal and fingers crossed this stays like this.