Wednesday 14 September 2022

Should protests take place as people mourn?

This issue has come up recently in the UK. There has been an outcry that those who wish to protest have been prevented from doing so where people are mourning or paying respects to the late Queen Elizabeth the Second.

I want to know if people should be allowed the right to protest at funerals in the manner that you could in the USA. The Westboro Baptist Church had become famous for this though the law changed to prevent this at funerals.  Please note that I have no objections to such protests away from mourners

I did try discussing this with my daughter who thinks that protests against Prince Andrew should be treated differently and should be allowed (I do not know if she thinks the same for anti-Monarchy protests), but she did not elaborate on her views as she was too busy or tired as the day went on.

I do not think that The Westboro Baptist church or similar homophobic groups should be allowed to protest at funerals or where mourners are present. I would be interested to know if there should be a legal distinction between one type of protest and another though.  Please leave comments about this as I do want to hear views on this.