Friday 26 August 2022

Is the BBC biased?

I had posted about this before, many years ago when the only bias I could see was against Arsenal.  That does not appear to be the case anymore.  

There has been controversy over the way that they cover politics, but all parties claim that it is biased. When I made my original post, people moaned when UKIP are featured on panels, or complain when UKIP is not. In addition to this, there was the refusal of the BBC to air an appeal during a conflict with a large number of civilian casualties in Gaza. I did not agree with that decision, but I did see how most of the time, it is trying to be impartial (I accept that it is biased when it comes to reporting on Putin's illegal invasion of Ukraine)   

I remember when the BBC was lauded for holding the government to account, and rightly so  before the Iraq war.  Apparently, under the Conservatives, that means speaking the truth is being biased.  Emily Maitlis has spoken out on her views on the BBCThings have changed in recent years from when John Humphrys attacked the liberal bias he felt was present.  

I do hope that things can return to the days when everyone had cause to complain about bias with the BBC, but to it being more balanced.  I hope it is soon.