Sunday 21 August 2022

Sewage and The Sword of Truth

Our MP has retweeted posts stating an interesting view on sewage. Our beaches have been affected by sewage since the rains last week. Fortunately for us, this was an issue AFTER our trip to Woolacombe, but with the holiday season in full force, for some strange reason, people do not want to be swimming amongst turds. 

Either the guardian is wrong or it is right. If it is wrong, those MP’s who have been wronged should stop it spreading lies. Or it could be telling the truth.

Back at home

We are back at home now. We left early yesterday and I had to play about trying to pack the car as we had more things coming home than we had leaving it.  We swapped round and took two breaks on the way home rather than the usual one, but this was so my wife could stretch her knee.

I got a message from my youngest brother that my Mum has redecorated his room now that he has left home and has put a doll in it that she had bought to give to my daughter. We declined this. I am convinced that it is waiting for a soul to sleep in the room with it…

For today, my son spent some time with some friends and I have ironed for work, but had enjoyed our past day of rest before I am back at work tomorrow.