Saturday 23 July 2022


I loved it! What an awesome film. It starts as a mixture between a horror film and psychological thriller, but ends on a sick and twisted high. 

I had started to watch it with my daughter, but she found it hard to continue after the first meal was prepared. I understand this and I recommend anyone who may be queasy avoids this, or accepts that they may give meat up, at least for a short period of time.

I do not wish to talk too much about the film as I rate it and this is best without spoilers though during the dance scene (which I am not sure would have been possible), I realised that Daisy Edgar-Jones reminds me of the mother of one of my daughters friends.

If you are sick and twisted, this is a film to watch. If you are not, avoid it.

Mersea Island

My wife and I took advantage of only having one child to have brunch together. We could have gone alone, but we took Leia with us. My son did have the chance to come but turned us down.  Leia loved it as she got to have a sausage (the photo is from when she was waiting for one).

Later in the day, I tweeted after a nap (the after effects of my COVID infection in April) on BBC Any Questions and one of my tweets was read out on Any Answers afterwards, with a comment that I was cheeky for making it! When I say one of my tweets, I mean part of it. They read “It will be good to see the Conservatives elect a Remain supporting LibDem as leader.” My tweet of course relates to Liz Truss.  It is not the first time a tweet of mine has been read out on the show, but it is the first time in a while, and it is one of my better ones. 

Afterwards it was a trip to Mersea, this time my son came along.  I would like to say a good time was had by all.  Dinner could have been better, but it was fine and we had a great game of Snog, Marry, Pie.  As for the trip itself, Leia loved it.   

My daughter contacted us from France and told us about her time.  She has been kayaking and is exhausted from doing so. We do miss her, but it is great having the time with our son as well with no bickering.