Thursday 21 July 2022

Just our son at home now

The title is a bit mean as we have our dog at home as well.  He had taken Leia out for a walk when I got home late today and was in a good mood as he had got all the GCSE options that he had asked for, most importantly for him, being able to do triple science.  He was quite worried that he would not get the option to do this, so that is reassuring for him.  Also he did not want to study Geography (I do not understand the aversion of my family to this awesome subject) and he has not been allocated that either.

My daughter is now in France, the journey there taking a while.  I have not had a chance to speak to her, but I might see if I get a chance tomorrow, if nothing else, to find out what she thought about the episode of Love Island from tonight.  

From what I can gather, they were held up by Eurotunnel.  I am impressed at Audrey, the mother of Eve, my daughters friend, did the drive by herself.  When my wife and I drove to Bordeaux in 2016, we shared the driving.  Not sure either of us would want to drive the distance by ourselves!

Uvalde and the first few minutes

First of all, let me say how appalled I am at the death of children in Uvalde.  As explained by Trevor Noah below, while there was a delay in the response of the police to the shooting, most of the children would have died anyway due to the use of the AR-15.  An AR-15 was not around when the constitution of the USA was amended to allow people to have the right to bear arms, nor were mass shootings.

The good guy with a gun argument again is ruined, as there was a possibility that the murderer could have been stopped before he went on his killing spree.  But those on the right again are trying to resist gun controls, saying in effect that dead children are an acceptable price to pay for the right to own weapons like the AR-15.  

I am not going to repeat my previous posts on gun control in the UK, but guns are legal here and thanks to decent gun controls, things are far safer.  Yes, we have knife crime, but it is far easier to defend yourself against someone with a knife than it is someone with a gun.