Sunday 17 July 2022

Thor: Love and Thunder

As expected, I enjoyed this Marvel film.  It was not as good as the others at times, and of the Thor films, this may be my least favourite, but I still liked it, and if one of the children wants to watch it again on the big screen, I would be happy to watch it again.  Though I have to admit, Nebula and the soundtrack play a big part in this!

At times, it was a bit too silly, but only by a bit.  Overall, it had the humour I like and of course action.  A welcome addition to the Marvel series of films, but if I was being pedantic, not quite as good as the others.  Mind you, it did not seem to have the glaring plot holes that Avengers Endgame had!

As for the family, we all watched it together.  I had been planning to cook, but got to work too late to get home to cook lunch which was a shame.  I did go for a bike ride, my first in ages while my son took Leia for a morning walk.  However while he took her for a long one, it was a bit too late in the morning for what I wanted as none of us want her to be affected badly by the heat.  It is strange in that my children took Leia for a walk rather than me, by daughter taking her for a walk once we returned home from the cinema and before we watched Love Island.  I say we, my son will not watch it and instead was in his room.  But he may be the only sane one amongst us!

MH17 and Russian incompetence

A few years ago, after the destruction of MH17, I made a post on my blog. My first post was in 2014 and I posted an update the following year.  But one question remained to me.  How could the operators mistake a civilian airliner for a military plane?  Civilian airliners have been destroyed before, and example being Iran Air 655 when a very stupid decision made in the heat of battle, but when it came to MH17, no battle was taking place. 
The answer appears to be incompetence. We have seen during Putins War that too many Russian troops have been poorly equipped and badly trained.  We can only imagine if the crew and passengers would be alive if the crew had been properly trained.