Sunday 10 July 2022

Leave means leave

Not my title, but that of Dawn French.  I, like many in the nation, am not happy that Boris Johnson is still Prime Minister.  Rumours are present that he is because he has no where else to move to or that it is because he wanted his wedding party (a legal one this time) to be at Chequers.  The fact is though, that the man who has made numerous incompetent decisions is to remain in power for a bit longer.  

I was concerned that as he had not approached the Queen about this, that this would mean that he had no intention of resigning, but apparently, he has communicated his decision to the head of our state.  I suspect that there will be more controversy to come out before he leaves.  While the Conservatives are promising a new era in politics, they backed the serial liar who has caused us to have the 4th highest death rate due to COVID in Western Europe.