Tuesday 7 June 2022

Back pain

I have been off work with backpain today.  I had got up and was fine, but my back went before I got into the shower.  I have to say it was like a spasm on certain movements and when I first had it, it literally hurt to breathe.  My wife was amazing, but my daughter came up to laugh at me in the morning before heading off to her Maths exam.  My son has not been that supportive either, calling me old man.  Needless to say, I had to take the day off work but managed to do a little bit from home.

I have just got back from taking the dog for a walk and this appears to have helped my back.  Here is hoping it gets even better after a night of rest.

Boris Johnson and his vote of confidence

Jacob Rees-Mogg
Dec 12, 2018: “This is a very bad result for the prime minister, 117 votes against her…… much worse than she thought” 
June 7, 2022: "It was a good victory for the Prime Minister, he won comfortably and now he is getting on with business"

PMQ's tomorrow is going to be interesting.  211 votes to back him, 148 against.  The numbers cannot be directly compared to what happened with Theresa May as she did not have a huge majority, but one in four Conservative MP's do not back Boris Johnson and that proportion is even greater of backbench MP's assuming that all those who are part of government voted to back the Prime Minister.