Thursday 26 May 2022

Labour and its policy vacuum

Labour actually has no policy vacuum.  Instead, the Conservatives keep stealing its polices, though the Tories do not follow through all the time.

First of all, is the Windfall tax.  Though to be fair, Labour have called upon the government to introduce this.  The government have improved what Labour wanted to offer, but if Labour had appeared to be too generous on this, they would have been accused of spending too much.

This has happened in the past.  May stole Labour polices on energy prices despite this being rubbished when Ed Miliband proposed it.  There was the National Living Wage, brought in after Labour had called for an increase in the minimum wage.   Miliband wanted action on Junk food, the Conservatives stole it with the Sugar Tax.  Addressing letting agent fees was another Labour policy, again stolen.  In 2015, Labour wanted companies to publish figures on the Gender Pay Gap, stolen by the Tories.

And there was the promise by Labour in 2015 for 8000 more GP's and 20,000 more nurses for the NHS.  The Conservatives promised 5,000 more GP's and failed to deliver on that

So when someone asks what are the policies of Labour, please remember that when they have stated what they are, the Conservatives steal them.    

The Comedy Of Errors

Watched this with my son last night. We loved it.  

This had been recommended to us by some friends on the weekend, and I had intended to watch this with my wife, but after a hard day at work yesterday, she decided not to go.  Both kids however were interested, but my son changed his mind before I bought the tickets.  However, after my daughter changed her mind, he changed his again and so we booked the tickets and after I prepared dinner, went.  (My daughter said that the food was better than she expected).  

We walked in and watched an adaptation with Shakespearean prose, but set in the 20's, sort of.  Both he and I did not understand all of what was said, but I appreciated the beauty of it, and was able to work out most of it.  He disagreed with my view that the way Shakespeare writes is poetry, but he hates poetry.  

It had music and dancing, and I love live music.  I am not sure that my daughter would have liked it as in general, she does not like cover versions.  

Spending time alone with my son was awesome, and is time to be treasured.