Thursday 19 May 2022

History and my daughter

My daughter had her history exam today.  She was in a good mood afterwards, so fingers crossed, she did well.  She enjoyed a question about the end of the Vietnam War which others did not.  

I had the day off for my appraisal myself.  It went better than I thought it would, though I have not done as much as I had hoped since my last one.  I do need to improve my communication skills, something my wife was not surprised about.  

She did enjoy me being at home as this meant that we were able to test drive a car together.  Her contract on her current car ends soon and she has been looking at replacements.  I had tried to convince her to get a Tesla, but she was not too keen on it and looks like she may go for a hybrid Volvo.  Not sure how my kids will like that!

The Daily Mail (again)

I was watching this video about Putin's War and this opinion on the Daily Mail came up.  

Some may be aware that I consider it to be a very biased course of news, and it was nice to see someone else have their take on this.