Thursday 5 May 2022

How the abortion rights debate in the USA should remind us of the importance of voting

If you have not voted already, do so (assuming you are in an area that is voting in the UK). Many people ignore voting, and we can see in the USA what happens when people do and do not vote. 
In 2016, Donald Trump won the US election, which was settled in a few swing states with a margin of less than 1% of the vote in those states. I can remember when George Bush the Second was elected again, thanks to one state where a small difference in turnout could have resulted in a very different result
The effects are seen now when it comes to abortion rights. Thanks to the judges appointed to the US Supreme Court in the four years of the Trump Presidency, many women will have the right to choose taken away from them. We do not have to vote, that is our right to exercise, but there are literally people dying in Ukraine to have the right to elect the leader they want, as opposed to the leader Putin wants in charge
The power of those who do not Vote Conservative will be reduced in the next general election, and that is because democracy has allowed it. YOU can make a difference by voting for the candidate or party you dislike the least.