Thursday 3 March 2022


My wife and I went out for a date last night. I had wanted to watch Cyrano because I loved the Gérard Depardieu version of Cyrano de Bergerac. We were surprised to find out that this is a muscial, but despite that, I think that it was a good film. Sadly though, it did not match up to my memories of what to me is the original version (I have not watched the other versions though). I am glad that I watched it, I loved the adaptation, but I do not think that I would watch it again. It has made me hunger to watch the version that I had watched second (I had watched Roxanne before).

Watching it while Ukraine is being invaded was made more poignant in a scene before a battle.  Watching fiction when in reality people are dying and thinking the same thoughts before heading into battle was surreal.  Also there is the link to it with Gérard Depardieu now being a Russian citizen.  

I do need to try and improve by vocabulary, I am not as eloquent as my wife and watching it with her reminded me how lucky I am to have her in my life.