Friday 18 February 2022

Ending Safe Spaces for women


I have recently had some discussions (again) about safe spaces for women on the internet. To be fair, I added myself to a discussion about this, but while discussing the issues raised by this, I was tagged on Twitter by someone who had created a video. (Turned out that my tweets did not feature in the video.) Basically, Scotland was asked to pause gender recognition reforms by the Equality and Human Rights Commission. This has created a predictable outcry. Issues with safe spaces have been raised by JK Rowling, who has been labelled a transphobe by some. To put it simply, she raised concerns that any man can pretend to be Trans so that they can gain access to safe spaces for women with and without a Y chromosome. If men can do this, it then means that there are no safe spaces for women, be that with or without a Y chromosome. Apparently raising this as an issue is being transphobic.