Saturday 5 February 2022

Jimmy Carr

First of all, not much an update on the children since earlier I the week.  I have been torturing them with this puzzle, but both have solved it now.  Leia is recovering well from her operation but is not yet back to normal.  I have been watching Killing Eve with my daughter. Not sure that it is appropriate for her to watch it, but if she does kill me in the future we can look back to this post to show that it was my own fault.

Onto Jimmy Carr.  He has been facing a lot of comments about his holocaust joke about Roma Gypsies.  I initially stated  that those who are outraged by it appeared okay with his jokes about rape, incest, cancer, race and abortion, but I remembered that those groups affected by his jokes have every right to be offended by him.  I also forgot that my wife does not find him funny, just as she does not find Frankie Boyle or Little Britain to be acceptable, stating that they are too cruel.  She has a point and we accept our differences with this, just as I accept that my children are unlikely to every like them as well. But, Jimmy Carr is an equal opportunity offender and no one is spared.  I do understand the outrage this week, but does that mean that those who are not affected by prejudice towards the Roma community or other travellers, were okay with his other jokes?