Wednesday 2 February 2022

Runaway Bride

Before I review the film, an update on the family, and then a chat about PMQs.

As a family today has been a bit stressful. Leia had an operation. One of the conditions when we got her was that we would not breed from her. So today, she was sterilised.  We all live her and consider her to be such a good dog that we think that it is a shame that she cannot pass her genes on. She is calm, most of the time, listens (though could be better trained) and is so loving.  We know how Cockapoo’s can be from meeting others.  But after dropping my son off at school (he has not cycled in since he had COVID), I took her to the vet. She was growling at another dog while waiting in the car park, a huge one, but calmed down when I moved her forwards to sit next to me.  She was fine in the waiting room and only got nervous once in the treatment room. I was tearful telling her that I was sorry I stroked a cat yesterday and how much she has made me appreciate dogs.  

I worked from home afterwards and was more productive with no dog hassling me to get into the garden, but the house was empty without her. 

I did get to listen to PMQs where the Prime Minister dodged questions about this parties, refused to apologise about spreading fake news on Monday and when asked about people struggling to pay heating bills now to keep warm talked about Brexit!  Overall a poor performance from him, but he appeared to be buoyed by this ability to avoid consequences for his parties, and his lying being unchecked.

My son changed into his pyjamas after I collected him from school and would not change out of them.  Which meant that it was just my daughter and I who collected her. She appeared fine at first but started to whimper in the car. We had been told that she is not to run or jump and while we thought that this was impossible, she has been adorable as she has sat on us this evening. 

He completed his option choices and then we agreed to watch a film together, and my son stayed for the beginning. We thought it would be nice for Leia if we all stayed together but he left after dinner to do some homework. Instead my wife, daughter and I watched Runaway Bride.

I have to say, it was one of the better RomComs and I did enjoy it. Overall the message was that everyone can screw up, and the writing, directing and acting was brilliant. The chemistry between the two stars appears to have been the same as in another famous film starring the two.  I am glad that I watched it and I think that I may have not ever watched it before (I try to avoid RomComs normally).  One day, I may even be happy to watch it again and that would not be just because of the soundtrack.