Monday 17 January 2022

The dog and treats

First of all, the weekend update (though a bit late).  My wife went out a bit for the birthday of a friend, the celebrations taking place over two days.  Saturday I was to pick her up, and I knew it was going to be late as she told me.  I was woken up about one on Sunday morning as she decided to get a friend to drive her home, but half an hour later, I went to collect her as she was still not home and I guessed correctly that the friend was being distracted.  A drive over and a lift for another friend and we finally went to bed.  

As for Leia, she has been having loads of fun with some toys that I have bought her.  We had started to run out of some treats, but thanks to eBay, they have been sourced.  Together with the puzzles, she is having loads of fun.