Monday 3 January 2022

The Suicide Squad

First of all, family.  One actually took Leia out for a walk which is unusual.  Needless to say, that did not stop her wanting a walk later in the day with me as she is now asking for two walks a day.  I do love walking with her and my wife thinks that I have lost weight around my legs (note to self, weigh myself at work).  We are not sure how the other is to cope with the return to school this week, but they feel up for it.  Time will tell.

Anyway, the film.  I loved it.  In fact, my daughter, I and my wife loved it.  Was sick, twisted and filled with gore but it was better than the first one and also better than Birds Of Prey.  And it is as good as a film by Marvel.  In general, DC films of late have not been that good, so much so that I do not get too bothered about watching them.  But this was worth the wait to watch.  I would have to say my stand out character was Pete Davidson.  Loved him in this.