Saturday 1 January 2022



We went to see my mother for her birthday.  We collected her from her house and left Leia there in her crate.  My brothers drove into town as did we and after dropping my mother and family there, parked and walked back.  I was nervous considering the levels of Omicron in London, but Veeraswamy is a great place to eat.  We used to go there at this time years ago, but have not been here for a while.  All loved the food and my mother loved having us all together.

I am not sure if we would have all been there as one of my brothers lives in Manchester and is doing his best not to catch COVID before travelling to the USA later this month.  But my youngest brother had told us that this was my mothers 80'th birthday.  Turned out that it was not, this being to come another year.  It is hard to tell my mothers age, as she looks younger than she is, also she was 50 for nine years many years ago.

Overall, despite being tired with the driving, it was really nice for us all to be together.  I am not sure when we are all to meet again, but I hope that it is not too long.