Sunday 14 November 2021

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

Finally! we got to watch this.  Though I was not sure if I would be able to.  My wife and I drove to London for her course and I stayed with my mother and had lunch there while I worked and had a chat with her as well as being fed lunch.  It was nice to have home cooked food from my childhood again.  My brother was not at home as he was over at his partner's.  The drive to her course was an easy one, it being Sunday and early morning, though the drive there in the afternoon was more interesting and I had to put my London driving head back on.  

It was great picking her up afterwards as she was buzzing.  It is sad in a way that this was a date, but it was great spending time with her.

Once at home, it was household chores, ironing for me and my wife cooked (I said that she should relax).  And we watched Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.  Well most of us did, one child left after an argument between the two resulted in them being asked to leave.  They had the chance to watch the end which they had missed later, but declined.  

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings was a film I liked.  My wife was not too fond of the CGI, but I thought that the film was put together quite well.  Predictable in places, but a well told story and another Disney success.  I am looking forwards to watching the films that are to follow from this!

But before we watched it. my daughter and I watched this...