Monday 18 October 2021

13 Reasons Why: Let the Dead Bury the Dead

First of all, we are back at home.  We got back yesterday and while the kids stayed at home, my wife and I took my brother out for lunch to the Lexden Crown. I like eating there and the food was good, though nothing compared to the Italian that we had eaten the night before. It was good to catch up, though he came out as a Spurs fan! Still, he ain’t heavy, he is my brother.  I drove him to the station after, but it was a rail replacement service to take him from Colchester and due to his ticket, I could not take him down towards London to get the train where he would swap back onto the train.

Leia was overjoyed to see us and could not contain her excitement. My brother taught her a few things and she will now fetch a ball to us and will sit again.

And I watched the final episode of the third series of 13 Reasons Why with my Son. I had watched it before with my daughter and knew who the culprit was, but my son had cheated and had looked it up on the internet. I think that Bryce was on the path to redemption, my son disagrees.  We will have to agree to disagree on that one. Though neither of us shed a tear over the death that occurred to another character.

Anyway, time to get out of bed and walk the dog around the garden as I have this week off.