Sunday 19 September 2021

Get Out

I am knackered.  This morning my son took Leia out for her walk.  I had intended to cycle to work, but instead started to put our TV together.  My wife and ordered a television and had mentioned the size of it to me, but I had not realised how big it was to be.  Yesterday we realised that what we put the TV on was not big enough for it.  So this morning, after doing some cleaning in the house, I got to putting the TV together.  My wife had been trying to get a new item of furniture for the TV yesterday and after I put the TV together, we went to collect an item that she managed to agree a deal on.  

I took my daughter with me and it was a pleasant drive to Manningtree to get it.  She was of great use helping to put it into the back of my wife's car as well as taking it into the house when we got home.  After that, it was a case of disconnecting the old TV and reconnecting the new one after moving furniture about.

Needless to say, this was quite exhausting which meant that when I did go to work, it was late and I had no energy to cycle into work.

On getting back, my daughter and I watched Get Out on the new huge television.  The picture is amazing.  And I have to say the film is great as well.  I had worked out that I had wanted to watch this before and therefore had done my best not to find out much about it.  My view is that most trailers spoil films.  I have liked Daniel Kaluuya since watching him in The Fades and he was just as good in this film.  It was well worth watching.  And the video is for those who have watched it, or are never going to.