Sunday 5 September 2021

13 Reasons Why; There Are a Number of Problems with Clay Jensen

First of all, family.

My wife and daughter took Leia out for a walk this morning allowing me to cycle into work.  I did not get out of bed as early as I would like, but it was nice to cuddle up to my wife.  Once they had left, I got on my bike and cycled in for paperwork.  I have not done this as often as before as my daughter had wanted to come into work with me to do her homework in once of the offices.  But I need to get fitter and if she wants to come, she is going to have to get her mother to drop her off, or cycle in with me.  Anyway, they went for a walk down in Wivenhoe and my wife, who has never been as keen on walking as I have been, did a personal best for this year!

My daughter herself has been a bit stressed out her return to school tomorrow.  My son has to attend for testing, and then he is in properly tomorrow.  He had been in last week for testing and since then, the friend who he was with has developed COVID.  This did result in a scare this morning, until we realised that she was negative on the day.  Her mother became unwell and tested positive yesterday, his friend testing positive today.  The house is a lot calmer now compared to how it was this morning.  Needless to say, we wish the best for her friend and family.

As for 13 Reasons Why, my son and I watched it this evening before he went off to bed.  This episode looks at the rehabilitation of Bryce Walker, and his ability to still attract women to him.  Hence the video...