Sunday 29 August 2021

Jungle Cruise

My wife, son and Leia went to the Brightlingsea earlier today for the food festival. We went with Michelle and while my wife and Michelle stuck together, my son, Leia and I explored the festival together.  He was happy as I promised to buy him food and Leia was ecstatic as she met loads of other dogs.  My daughter stayed at home as she did not feel too well.

Once at home, we tried to watch Jungle Cruise as a family, but my son declined to join us.  He said that he had heard bad things about it, but refused to elaborate on this when asked.

The rest of us enjoyed the film. We ignored its historical accuracy and the occasional use of Spanish in a Portuguese speaking nation along with other issues.  It was funny, and although the ending became obvious as the film progressed, however it did not progress in a very predictable manner.

Leia when she got home got stressed as she saw a fox in the garden and took to patrolling it amid scent marking it in anyway possible.  Hopefully it will work to ensure it does not return.

13 Reasons Why; If You're Breathing, You're a Liar

Another traumatic episode dealing with teenage pregnancy, the choices faced when it comes to this as well as discussing the consequences.

Things are different in the UK, in that we do not have any protestors outside clinics, but the consequences of continuing with a pregnancy when a teenager are the same.  A loss of earnings for the woman, restricted choices with employment and relationships as well.  For many, this is a choice that they are willing to take, and I firmly believe that women should be supported in the decision to keep a baby. That is why I consider the UK to have a pro-life alternative to terminations. The US may consider itself to have a pro-life movement, but with the lack of maternity pay, inadequate childcare support and a lack of decent gun controls, I consider them to be pro-birth instead.  

My son is keen on watching them as quickly as possible so I may watch another tomorrow.