Monday 23 August 2021

Day Three in Devon; Fremington Quay

Leia woke me up once in the night and early in the morning. Her bowels are not back to normal and she has spent this evening gassing us out of the room!  The walk we had together was longer than that of yesterday and while the paths are not as soaked as yesterday, they still need to dry a bit more as they are still a bit slippery.

Later we went to Appledore and returned to the Royal George.  The view, as before was amazing, and while I lived my starter, I was not too keen on my main.  But that may have been because of the Coke that I drank with it.  We had planned to return on Friday, but I think that if we do return to Appledore, it will not be to eat here.

Later we went to Fremington Quay where we had ice cream and Leia and I went for a walk.