Tuesday 3 August 2021

Bill & Ted Face The Music

Quite simply, this is nothing compared to the original two films.  However it is okay to watch and you have to remember that the original two films were amazing.  It has been one of the better films that I have watched recently and I probably would have been okay to watch this in the cinema as being a fan of the other two films, this was a must for me to watch.  While it fails to live up to the preceding two films, it does not fall flat on its face in the way all the sequels for Blade did.  I would not describe it as "most excellent" but it was great to see the potential for sequels/spin offs.  It is unusual, as for me, the best characters were not Bill and Ted, but I will not spoil it in case you watch it yourselves.  

If you are a fan of the franchise, this is a must watch film, and while it is not as excellent as the originals, you will not be left wanting. 

The best bit of the film was watching it with my wife, and our depressed dog.  I know that my children would not have liked this however.