Friday 11 June 2021

Cancelling statues

I am not in favour of pulling down statues.  Like Marjorie Taylor Greene, I think that they should be kept to teach others.  

This issue has come to the attention of the media due to issues over a statue at Oriel College, in Oxford, specifically, the statue of Cecil Rhodes.  Personally, like others have said, I think that the statue should have context, not necessarily a sign around its neck, but a sign nearby.  If the statue is to be removed, then the question arises over what to do with the scholarship that he has bequeathed to the world, many recipients of which have not been white and possibly the University of Cape Town which owes a lot to him.  

The problem is that every historical figure will have a shady past.  If we cancel one, where is the line drawn where another is not cancelled.  An example of this is Gandhi, a proponent of peaceful protest and the father of India, but viewed by many as racist.

Due to this, I think that it is important that history is taught to have the bad remembered along with the good, and that means not tearing down statues.