Sunday 9 May 2021

(500) Days of Summer

This is a film that I had intended to mention to my daughter to watch as I thought that she would like it.  It slipped my mind but she mentioned it instead.  

My wife and I had watched it in the distant past.  Considering it came out in 2009, it must have been after we had children.  Back then, the humour was more acceptable, as was the choice of music.  

It had been the turn of my daughter to go out with friends, and she appeared to enjoy the time with them.  Unlike with my son, there was no discussion about how much she was to spend, though I do not think that this was based on gender, but a knowledge that she would not return on some sugar high.  

500 Days of Summer was an awesome film back then, and it was great to watch it again.  Though watching it about a decade after my wife and I watched it again was nostalgic as we have not been to an IKEA in ages now (and yes, we do consider it a rite of passage for couples).  We had intended to watch it as a family film, but in the end the only ones watching it was Leia, my daughter and me.  The different take on a love story is one that is enchanting, and the way it begins at the end of the relationship draws you in, as well as the non-linear way of looking at how the relationship developed.  This is without doubt, one of my favourite love stories.  

When it comes to that test of films, yes, I would have no issues in paying to watch this in the cinema.