Sunday 2 May 2021

Promising Young Woman

What an amazing film.  Before I talk about it, a quick family update.

My son has found that he has issues recording the time when it comes to playing Minecraft on the Switch. I wanted to ban him from it for two days, but was overruled.  It is a shame as when he is not on the switch, he is more engaging, we walked into town together yesterday as well as on Friday night (though only as far as TESCO).

My daughter is preparing for her GCSE in Religious Education next week.  Or rather exams to aid her teacher assessment.

Today, I retuned to the pool where last week, Leia want for a swim.   When I got her there, she wanted to chase after things, but was quite patient when I prevented her from doing so.

Anyway, the film.  Amazing, dealing with issues some of which are still being faced, such as victim blaming.  It was sad, especially when I know it is happening too often.  Would I pay for to watch this in a cinema?  Yes, with no hesitation.  The film draws you in, has characters who are quite believable and while parts are predictable, others are not.