Saturday 17 April 2021

RIP Phil The Greek

I am sure that there will be some who are offended by the title of this post.

But, despite his racist comments (which I suspect were not meant to cause as much offence as they did), I do think that it is important to remember what this man, an immigrant to our nation, did for it.

He was a war hero serving, like many (Ralph Miliband included) during World War Two.  In wartime, promoting an officer beyond their ability means death, and this was the case during the Second World War.

He created the Duke of Edinburgh awards and I know people who are grateful for the opportunities this offered to those who would not have had them.  

He was not perfect, but he reflects the multicultural heritage of our nation.  His son, the man who is most likely to be the next Monarch is the son of an immigrant, an issue that The Far Right cannot be seen to be against, despite the hostility seen towards those from Eastern Europe.