Tuesday 13 April 2021

Trump and double standards.

Really, the title should read, Trump, and double standards, yet again.

Georgia has ‘improved’ the system of voting in the USA with changes designed to reduce voter fraud, such as stopping people waiting to vote from being offered refreshments.  Many do not think that this is fair, and some corporations have decided to act.  And this has created problems amongst the right.  They are happy for corporations to be involved in politics in the form of funding political candidates, but they are against corporations taking business away from states where allegations of voter suppression occur.  Remember, states such as Georgia, have introduced changes in the past to reduce voter fraud, but still lost the state to Biden in 2020.

Trump called for a boycott of Coca Cola, among other companies, but has been found to be drinking a beverage made by a company he has called to boycott.  Not just any beverage, but one of the most famous ones.  I guess Pepsi failed The Pepsi Challenge.
