Tuesday 6 April 2021

27 Dresses

We watched this yesterday thanks to my son.  We had discussed what film to watch and he had suggested a RomCom.  This genre of film is not my favourite and I had watched this before, many years ago.

But I had forgotten how much I loved it.  While not as amazing as classics like Pretty Woman, it was a really good film.  I understand that others have not liked it and I can understand why.  This is not a film that stretches your brain or makes you think about issues, but that is why I tend not to like this genre of film.  I consider most RomCom's to be more akin to fairy tales, but as one, this was a story well told.  

I may be biased as this was one of the few films that we have watched as a family.  Even Leia watched most of it (she did decide to sleep on the floor around the corner towards the end).  Watching it with the love of my life always helps though.

As for the rest of the day, I had been to work earlier in the day, this being after a walk with Leia though the snow that had been expected.  But after I got back, we did some work in the garden and the weather turned, the day being full of glorious sunshine.  The climbing frame from before is almost completely dismantled and we just have to get rid of a few things.  I also am going to have to mow the lawn soon.