Monday 22 March 2021

This Is Us; Her

My wife made me watch this ages ago, and I have been watching it from time to time.  Tonight, I watched the final episode of the third series.  And it made me cry.

When it comes to the men in the series, my favourites, other than Jack of course, are Randall and Toby.  In this series, it appeared that Randall was to break up with Beth.  But thanks to the intervention of one of the characters, he saw sense, as his more sensible wife came to her senses as well.

The point? Deja reminds Randall that he needs to get it together and figure things out with Beth. “Most people don’t win, Randall, but you did—you won the lottery twice. Once when you got adopted and again when you met Beth,” she tells him.

It reminds me of what I said once about my wife.  Well, I said it once and I have continued to say this since then.  The first time that I can remember saying this was after my wife and I got married.  My father-in-law had said that someone who saw the wedding pictures had said that I had won the lottery by marrying into his family.  I responded by saying that I had won the lottery of love. Like Randall in This Is Us.  Like Randall, I won the lottery twice, once when I met my wife, and the time before that was when my Mother left my Father while pregnant.  Thanks to her, I became the person my wife fell in love with.  

For the record, I love both Beth and Randall, but while I disagreed with her in the lead up to this episode (not that Randall was right about things either), I am definitely Team Beth as she shows extraordinary patience in dealing with her husband.