Saturday 20 March 2021

Yes Day

This started as an okay film which my wife and daughter watched, but became one which was poor at the end.  My son was not in the mood to watch something together so stayed upstairs in his room, and it can be argued that that was the better choice.  To be fair, it was nice to watch it as an almost family and this is a film that would appeal to kids more than adults but only at the end of the film.

I think that the best bit of the film was the father and daughter moment singing to Epic, by Faith No More.

I am not sure who this film is aimed at as I think that it fails to hit any target.  There are worse films out there and I would have much preferred to watch another film with my wife and daughter.  Saying that, my wife fell asleep towards the end of the film, and considering that this is where the film started to fail, that was quite sensible of her!