Wednesday 10 March 2021

My daughter tested positive today

We just had a scare today.  My wife and I were conducting our lateral flow tests and tested my daughter for her school.  She tested positive.

She was distraught, not knowing how this happened and terrified that she was going to give this to my wife and I.  However, it turned out to be a false alarm.  We had used a different testing kit for my daughter, my wife and I having the NHS employee testing carried out on ourselves twice a week.  The test that was used on my daughter, had a similar packet to that we use, and it was only after about 20 minutes of terror, that we realised that the kit that had been used was the positive control test.  The actual tests that we were meant to use, come in packets that look more like sweet wrappers.  

She tested negative and needless to say, we can be assured that the positive control test kit works.