Sunday 14 February 2021

The Princess Bride

Our family film today was The Princess Bride, an appropriate film for Valentines Day.  Sadly, my son did not watch it, and I was surprised that my daughter did.  She tends not to enjoy Damsel in Distress films but watched this till the end.  I have wanted to watch this film for many years, but have never watched it, until today.  Any description of this film has to be put in context of how such films were in the past, as well as the fairy tales that they are based on.  

It is a magical fairy tale based on honour and with many characters driven by stereotype.  But the way the film is put together is amazing, as it finds the right balance between humour and adventure without being cringeworthy.  I understand that people have considered a remake of the film, but it is inconceivable that the same balance will be found.

When it comes to the family, we had a Valentines Tea for lunch which my wife had ordered.  She also got flowers from me which she added to some of the flowers that she had got on Friday.  The children are looking forwards to having a week off school and they have been told to wear the braces that they have been given during the week, but also to enjoy as one of them is going to be worked harder than they have been so far in this lockdown.