Monday 4 January 2021

Interfering with elections

The US as posted before, has a history of interfering with elections.  Now it appears that the president wants to overthrow the democratic result in the 2020 US elections, but he is justifying it based on hearsay and rumour.  I am sure that there will be many on the US right who will attempt to justify this, and it will be interesting to hear the excuses.  I am sure that many will say that the Democrats had no first hand witnesses when it came to the Ukraine impeachment, but that is only the White House not only blocked first hand witnesses from attending, but Trump, the main witness, did not attend.

I am in two minds as to if Trump should face charges for this.  If he does, it risks dividing an already divided nation more, but if the authorities decide to ignore this, many will see a rich white man getting away with corruption, when others do not.  Justice is meant to apply to all and while Trump has got away with things before, it makes a mockery of the law if he gets away with this as well.