Sunday 3 January 2021

There are times I hate to lose

Board game day today.  We took Leia to see some horses, but spent the last day of the holiday playing Never Mind The Buzzcocks, Pointless and Risk.  We tried playing a quick version of Risk, but time went on and and it went into when I should have fed the kids what my wife had made.  She had played the other two games, but had had a bath while the rest of us vied for world domination.  My daughter gave in despite being in a winning position as this was going on too long and my son ended up winning instead.  Git.

Note to self, do not start it so late in the day again.

On another note. Leia and I had loads of fun in the morning having a socially distanced dog walk.  I have not seen Adam in ages, his dog Phoebe loved meeting Leia and the two of them just ran and ran.  I have to learn to train her better.  She does not like walking in the dark and hates being driven in it more, but she loved the break having a run with her new friend on The Commons.  And it was great for me to meet Adam and catch up.  We need to make this more regular.  For the dogs obviously!