Friday 1 January 2021

We made it

We made it through the year.  While my father passed away, no one I know personally outside my job has died of COVID yet.  I am very grateful for that.  Needless to say, 2020 has been a scary year.  Today when at work, I found out that a patient I saw on a home visit in December did have COVID. Fortunately the bin liner that I wear as an apron protected me, along with my flimsy mask and surgical gloves.  

Having two wonderful kids, my main worry is that they will be left with no parents due to COVID, something that has happened to far too many people across he globe. My wife works on he frontline as well, not in hospital but I worry for her as I think that she has greater exposure to the plague compared to me.

At work, we have had two people with it last year, and at present we have another member of staff off with it, one isolating as their spouse has it and one is waiting for test results.  

I know that I have a lot to be grateful for. But I want more, specifically I want my family to get through his period of history intact.  A wish that many up and down the country want as well I suspect.