Sunday 31 January 2021

Quiz night mark two

Tonight was another quiz night.  This one was with the friends who had invited us to the one on Friday.  We actually had done this quiz last week as well, it being run by the local rugby club.  We stayed in the background, not being part of the club and discussed the answers with Lindsay and Nick using WhatsApp.  Both children came in and out of this and helped us with the answers.  They were not as involved as they had been on Friday night, but it was still a good family get together and a relaxing end to the weekend.  

Saturday 30 January 2021

Agent Carter

We spent the day chilling.  We watched WandaVision.  Rather, my wife and I watched it, my son came down and we watched the episode with him and then my daughter came down and saw the end.  He has found it frustrating that he has to wait a week for the next episode, but then this was an issue he has faced with The Mandalorian, one of the few TV shows he has not been able to binge watch the box set with.

We had a debate as to what we should watch afterwards, he wanting to watch Age of Ultron, and I wanted to watch the Marvel films in order.  We compromised and watched Agent Carter instead.  Sadly, my son went upstairs to get something and forgot to come down.  But the rest of us watched it and I have to say loved it.  It does portray the sexism that many women faced at the time, but ignores the racism that was present at the time as well.  It is interesting that a telephone exchange has such a large office within it as I think that it would be odd to anyone watching the exchange to see so many people leaving and entering it when the offices open and shut.  

It is also fun to watch a series where anyone English is not automatically evil.

Friday 29 January 2021

Quiz night

Busy day today at work, but we had agreed to do a quiz with some friends for the local children's hospice so I had to get home quickly.

The quiz was fun though with our Conservative MP running it, the children had some interesting names for teams, one being The 100,000, the other being 100,000 and more.  There were suggestions that I should have worn my Labour Party T-shirt as well.  With many people involved, watching some not get to terms with how to mute themselves was frustrating, but the kids made comments about Conservative voters which was unfair as I am sure this is an issue with voters of all parties.  

All in all, it was a great day, one where the entire family came together, and while it may not have been as ideal as the kids would have wanted, it was fun for all.     

Wednesday 27 January 2021

Killers the 2010 film, not the band.

It has been some time since my last post, but before I move onto the family this is the film that we have watched since then.

I have to say that it was a disappointing film with lots of continuity errors and plot holes.  As a fun film where you literally need to switch your brain off (most of the time) it is almost an okay film.  I would have to argue that it is not worth watching in the first place.  I had issues with how the two main characters fell for each other with no real chemistry present between the two, but also with the vanishing woman in the passenger seat of the red car at the start.  Not only that, there were issues with a high body count and no police presence let alone how everything was explained at the end of it all.

The kids have been schooling at home.  With my wife and I being key workers, we could send both in, but with the severity of the COVID pandemic being what it is, we have felt that doing so is too risky.  A friend of ours has sent the two children they have in as the definition of what a key worker is in this lockdown is different to what it was in the last one.  We see that with how the streets are busier than they were in the first lockdown and my wife and I have been incredulous to find which shops have managed to open compared to others. 

The downside of this is that there have been arguments and on a Tuesday, which is the long day for my wife and I, that is when most of the arguments have taken place.  My wife often is in her space suit so the children normally let me know by text what is going on.  One argument developed while I was in a meeting.  Luckily it was not that important a one which allowed me to try to intervene in this.

But things have been good in the last few days.  The only downside is that Leia now favours my wife over me.  I realised this on Monday when my wife and I came downstairs to let her out of her crate in the morning to find that she trotted past me to shower my wife with love!  Am there was I thinking that I was the alpha!   

Friday 15 January 2021


First thing.  My New years resolution included a desire to close my exercise ring on my Apple Watch every day.  That failed yesterday thanks to a glitch on my phone.  What was more annoying, is that I was one minute off closing it, but it would not register a walk in the garden that I took with Leia for that reason!

On the topic of Leia, my daughter has taught her how to sit with a hand gesture.  The hand gesture being giving her the middle finger.  It is strange to see my daughter giving her the middle finger and then Leia sitting, looking at her with complete love in her eyes.  But that is proof that she is my daughter.  And this tale has made many at my work laugh!

Wednesday 13 January 2021


I was vaccinating today.  Well, I was preparing the vaccines, others were vaccinating.  It is hard work, and I am impressed by those who are able to do this all day.  Ensuring that the vaccines are not mixed too vigorously is challenging and I had to discard two vials after I dropped them.

My wife who is a front line worker is eligible for this and I had my fingers crossed that she might be able to have one, but sadly this did not happen.  

My wife, daughter and I watched the film Tag.  It had been recommended to my daughter by a friend of hers and it was a very enjoyable film which we all loved.  It was a shame that my son did not watch it, but there is nothing to be gained by making him watch a film he does not want to.  The kids today were getting on together well which was a lot better than yesterday when they fell out and one physically attacked the other.  Going back to Tag, it was not as predictable as I thought it would be and it did appeal to my sick and twisted sense of humour, but was mainstream enough that it would not put others off watching it.  Based on a real story, I am tempted to find out more about the real game on another occasion.  

Dinner was a takeaway which was not as good as we hoped.  We branched away from our usual Thai restaurant and regretted it as the food was not up to the standards that we are used to.  We did enjoy dessert though which we ordered after the disappointing dinner.  

Leia is doing well, but sadly has decided to start doing a poo inside.  I am hoping that this will not continue.

Good night all, stay safe!

Monday 11 January 2021

10 Things I Hate About You

This is a morally reprehensible and disgusting film which children should not be allowed to watch.  The language used early on in the film by the budding author should have been censored out, and the only truly moral part of the film was the views and actions of the father in it.  

My daughter loves the film and it has made me want to watch The Taming Of The Shrew.  Being based on a play by the greatest playwright ever, it would be hard to ruin.  I had wanted to watch this film many years ago when it had first come out, but never got round to doing so.  Watching it now, it is from a different perspective as I am from another generation.

My wife joined us during the film and I think that she liked bits of it.  Maybe, she will watch it all and we can enjoy it as a family.  

Friday 8 January 2021

Saving All My Love for You

Yesterday, I got home late.  On doing so, as normal, I took of my clothes in the hall to put in the wash and showered.  After dressing, I went downstairs where Leia was ecstatic to see me.  As I was getting ready to eat, she went to the back door so that I could take her out into the garden to open her bowels.

My wife kindly offered to do this for me and put on a coat to brave the icy cold, but Leia followed me as I went to the table to eat.  Later, she went to the back door and barked, this time my son took her out where she did a wee in the garden.  But on getting back in, she barked again, and we realised that she wanted me to take her out.  My food was quite hot, having come out of the microwave, so I took her out (and completed my exercise ring on my watch for the day) where she did the poo that she had been saving for me.

This was an issue on Monday night as well, but then, my daughter had taken her out, and Leia did a poo for her.  While Leia will open her bowels for all of us, it appears that she prefers to save all her poo for me! 

Thursday 7 January 2021

How the The Confederate States of America were allowed to take Washington DC

Yesterday, the confederate flag flew in the capital of the USA.

Trump spoke to peaceful demonstrators, stating that the election held last year was stolen from him and his supporters. 

During the initial rally, Trump encouraged his supporters to "fight like hell" and "take back our country", and asked his supporters to march to encourage the elected representatives to ignore the election results of November 2020.

"You'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated."

Rudi Giuliani called for them to engage in “a trial by combat” and they peacefully marched on the United States Capitol. When they got there, things changed.  They violently forced entry into the seat of the US government.  The last time that happened was then the forces of the British Empire did so, this being a feat not possible for the Confederate States of America in the US civil war.

During June, protests were held across the USA. Those demonstrating peacefully were cleared in a violent manner to allow Trump to walk to a church. People across the globe saw how Martin Gugino was pushed to the floor by the police (he sustained a fracture and issues with walking after this). And the National Guard were called upon to defend the Lincoln Memorial in June 2020 as well.

Not all the protests in June 2020 were peaceful, violence and damage to property took place and was met with a robust defence, this including when the public safety building in Kenosha was attacked. The violence in June 2020 was disgraceful and not excuse is present for causing damage which requires public funds to repair that could be spent on helping people instead.

The difference in how these protests were defended against was shocking. Peaceful demonstrators are tear gassed, and other than the tragic death of Ashli Babbitt, the world sees the white protestors getting away with violence that would never have been tolerated if this was a left wing protest movement or one in support of people of colour

Wednesday 6 January 2021

Schools out, in, out, and shake it all about

Spent the day working from home.  I was on standby to possibly work at the vaccination hub, but instead of going into that, did some work helping workers at a care home get vaccinated this week.

The kids are at home now, lessons being on Zoom, or on Microsoft Teams.  The kids have had issues when it comes to Leia and my wife and I are going to have to sort this out later.  My daughter was not happy when the lockdown news came, especially when it came to the cancellation of GCSE's as she this means that her mock exams are going to probably be her final grade in the exam she was meant to sit later this year.

As my children where on a staggered return to school, things are not as bad for them as in this video, but I do feel for teachers having to work on constantly shifting sands.  A bit like how things have been in the NHS...

Monday 4 January 2021

Interfering with elections

The US as posted before, has a history of interfering with elections.  Now it appears that the president wants to overthrow the democratic result in the 2020 US elections, but he is justifying it based on hearsay and rumour.  I am sure that there will be many on the US right who will attempt to justify this, and it will be interesting to hear the excuses.  I am sure that many will say that the Democrats had no first hand witnesses when it came to the Ukraine impeachment, but that is only the White House not only blocked first hand witnesses from attending, but Trump, the main witness, did not attend.

I am in two minds as to if Trump should face charges for this.  If he does, it risks dividing an already divided nation more, but if the authorities decide to ignore this, many will see a rich white man getting away with corruption, when others do not.  Justice is meant to apply to all and while Trump has got away with things before, it makes a mockery of the law if he gets away with this as well.  

Sunday 3 January 2021

There are times I hate to lose

Board game day today.  We took Leia to see some horses, but spent the last day of the holiday playing Never Mind The Buzzcocks, Pointless and Risk.  We tried playing a quick version of Risk, but time went on and and it went into when I should have fed the kids what my wife had made.  She had played the other two games, but had had a bath while the rest of us vied for world domination.  My daughter gave in despite being in a winning position as this was going on too long and my son ended up winning instead.  Git.

Note to self, do not start it so late in the day again.

On another note. Leia and I had loads of fun in the morning having a socially distanced dog walk.  I have not seen Adam in ages, his dog Phoebe loved meeting Leia and the two of them just ran and ran.  I have to learn to train her better.  She does not like walking in the dark and hates being driven in it more, but she loved the break having a run with her new friend on The Commons.  And it was great for me to meet Adam and catch up.  We need to make this more regular.  For the dogs obviously! 

Saturday 2 January 2021


Well, I liked the film.  It was, as my wife said, corny in places, and it was predictable.  But it was funny, and appealed to my twisted sense of humour.  It was too much for my daughter who fled upstairs when some of the more intimate scenes took place.  I am glad we watched it and I do recommend it to others.

As for the rest of the day, we relaxed.  We got food from Brightlingsea and went for a walk there afterwards.  We would have walked for longer but for the cold and the weight loss of my wife meaning that her trousers do not fit and kept slipping down!

Friday 1 January 2021

We made it

We made it through the year.  While my father passed away, no one I know personally outside my job has died of COVID yet.  I am very grateful for that.  Needless to say, 2020 has been a scary year.  Today when at work, I found out that a patient I saw on a home visit in December did have COVID. Fortunately the bin liner that I wear as an apron protected me, along with my flimsy mask and surgical gloves.  

Having two wonderful kids, my main worry is that they will be left with no parents due to COVID, something that has happened to far too many people across he globe. My wife works on he frontline as well, not in hospital but I worry for her as I think that she has greater exposure to the plague compared to me.

At work, we have had two people with it last year, and at present we have another member of staff off with it, one isolating as their spouse has it and one is waiting for test results.  

I know that I have a lot to be grateful for. But I want more, specifically I want my family to get through his period of history intact.  A wish that many up and down the country want as well I suspect.