Friday 4 December 2020

Taking Lives

This was sort of a family film.  Since we have Leia, we are watching films in our extension more using the PlayStation that our friend David gave the family. My wife and I watched it while my son played on the Switch and my daughter came down later and watched the last half with us.

It was a good thriller.  It kept me guessing and I love a film that I cannot predict.  I am surprised that I had not heard of it before, especially as this was released before we had children, in a time when I watched films in the cinema and on DVD much more often and did not have to spend as much time at work as I do know. 

The downside of thrillers is that they tend not to be as enjoyable the second time around.  I guess I may watch this one more time in the future, but only if it is already on. As good a film as it was, I have no overwhelming desire to watch it again.

When it comes to the family, we all seem calmer now Leia is in our lives.  It snowed today and while she was scared of if at first in the early hours of the morning, she got used to it and in fact, loved it.  Her enjoyment of the snow was only curtailed when the dog next door barked and terrified her.  The kids loved watching her evening period of insanity though not when she got a bit too keen on biting.

Anyway, to bed.  She woke me up at 0530 and I expect and encore tomorrow morning.