Saturday 24 October 2020


We have begun our holiday in East Sussex.  I had to try and finish my work before we left Colchester, and in this, I was unsuccessful, though I did clear a lot of it.  It was light when we left, but the sun soon set and the wind came.  The drive was not as interesting as it would have been in daylight, though my wife, who used to journey this way on occasion recognised familiar parts as well as changes.

But it was a very windy drive and in addition to that, our final destination was not where it was meant to be.  But after an initial bout of understandable concern as Doleham did not look like the destination we had seen on the internet, we have ended up in our holiday home.  And it is very very windy here! 

We  have managed to work out that the sofa bed my son is to sleep on is not a sofa bed, and as my daughter got freaked out by a woodlouse in the room, I had to remove that, and the companion it had which she was not aware of.