Thursday 22 October 2020

Chasing Amy

I love this film and have just watched it with my daughter.  It is a lot more serious than Mallrats, though still has many laughs and appeals to my twisted sense of humour. Watching it this time, I realised that I had not noted the name of the club where part of the film is.  One of my favourite characters in the film is Hooper LaMante a.k.a. Hooper X.  The film touches on the homophobia that he faces and for nerds like I was when younger, helps to educate many about how this is wrong.  But that is not the core message of the film.  While the plot is engaging and not conventional, like with the other films in this universe, it is the dialogue which makes it.  

I am not sure that my daughter would want to watch Clerks, but it will be interesting to see Dogma with her.  I just need to find the other films though!

And when it comes to the music video (not visible without this link on the mobile version of this site), it was something I saw when looking up Chasing Amy on You Tube.  I like both the song and the video.