Thursday 1 October 2020

The legacy of my father

I have decided how I am to remember my late father.  I am going to donate some money to a women's refuge.  Ideally our local one.  
My mother, when pregnant with my youngest brother took us away from my abusive father, and for that, I am very grateful.  I suspect that I may have become a wife beater like my father if she had stayed with him.  There were many good things about my father, but there were many things which where not that good either.
It has been strange returning to work as quite a few people have expressed their sympathy over his passing.  But fathers are not meant to be wife beaters.  I know that he could have been even more violent to me and that others I know had more abusive fathers.  So in a way I am grateful that he was not even worse.
Anyway, it is going to be his funeral on the weekend.  I will say a few nice words about him.  But there is only a few things I can really say as I am going to avoid how bad he was.  Unless people decide to tell me how 'great' he was.