Sunday 20 September 2020

Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again

My son was tested for his symptoms today and once tested his health improved.  In fact he has been amazing and reorganised our utility room.  I have rested so that my painful right ear does not trouble me when working from home tomorrow and we hope to have the results tomorrow so that my wife and I can return to seeing patients face to face and the children are hoping to return to school on Tuesday.

During dinner today we finished watching Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again.  The kids have watched it before and love it.  While I have never had any desire to watch it, it was nice to see it with the family.  I see why they love it.  To me, Muriel’s Wedding will always be the film I associate with ABBA, this and Mamma Mia itself will be the films that they love ABBA for.