Saturday 19 September 2020

12 Monkeys and my son

My son has not been feeling well today.  His symptoms this morning were not those of COVID19 but as the day went on, they evolved and he developed a headache, temperature and a sore throat.

Once this was done, my daughter rowed with me about having to isolate and miss school as she felt she did not have to.  This was in part due to the confusing messages from the Prime Minister about isolation of those with symptoms.  Both she and I felt the other was being unreasonable about the discussion.  Later, while my wife and I were trying to arrange testing, we rowed after she kept telling me to do something she could have done herself.  And after this, I rowed with my son.  In the process of this row, he decided to cough on me.  The row escalated after that.

Anyway, things with my son and wife are now settled.  I however am now feeling unwell with feeling cold and having an earache,  I have not arranged testing as my son is to be tested and as yet, I have no sore throat, headache or a raised temperature.  I am not able to help with our socially distanced flu clinic tomorrow and will have to work from home for Monday morning at least. My wife may have to work on Wednesday as she cannot do the work she normally does from home herself.  That is assuming we do not get worse.  But he did not cough on her, so she may be lucky.