Friday 11 September 2020

The Babysitter


I love this film. I have watched it a while ago, but when I got home from work today, my daughter was watching the sequel.  

The return to school has been interesting.  We have tried to reduce the risk of the kids bringing COVID into the home.  My son though is incapable of following the simple instructions and has ‘forgotten’ to put his blazer away as soon as he gets home.  To be fair, he has only tried to kill us twice and he promises not to do it again.  But he said that after the first time.  

The kids have to help with the washing and they are meant to work together on this.  My daughter takes out the clothes to dry, and my son puts them away.  So this morning, when my clothes were missing was in a bad mood.  My son said he had not been given them when I woke him up, so I woke my daughter up.  She had given them to him, but he had forgotten and she had not left a text trail.  The unhappiness about this continued until I got home and my daughter and I had an interesting argument.  It was only sorted after a delivery driver scared her.  He had rung our doorbell and ran away when he realised he had the wrong house.  She had been watching scary films and this freaked her out.

So we got together downstairs and watched The Babysitter: Killer Queen.  She went to bed a third of the way through and I watched the first film again.  

I consider this to be a classic must watch film.  It is comparable to films like Brain Dead, having a similar sense of humour and the correct balance between gore and comedy.  And being so over the top, it was not as predictable as many films are.  I look forwards to watching the sequel properly.