Wednesday 26 August 2020

The Sleepover

Our family film tonight has been The Sleepover. And it has been more acceptable than Muriels Wedding, and while not as good, as a family film, it is one that has been acceptable to all of us.

Obviously it is not realistic, I mean, a brother and sister spending so much time together and not arguing?  As a fun brainless comedy it is a good film.  Not one that I will be watching again and I am glad we watched it on Netflix rather than paying for it at the cinema.  I would not have been happy to have paid for it.

But it was great for us all to watch it as a family.

In other news, the keyboard on my computer failed today and I have had to buy a keyboard to use my laptop.  I had been intending to cycle to my Wednesday job but did not because of Storm Francis, I decided against cycling into work and worked from home.

Cooking with my daughter was fun.  I forgot to tell her to take the sausages out of the oven and they were a tad overdone, so the kids at at McDonalds.  I am cooking with he kids on alternate Wednesday’s when possible.  This showed why I need to practice more.