Sunday 9 August 2020

Day four in Devon. No goats.

The kids were disappointed today that I did not meet, or get attacked by a feral goat.

We had a great breakfast to start.  My daughter has not eaten pork since she saw the pigs yesterday.  My son has yet to visit them.  So he, my wife and I had bacon which she declined.  Our muffins had been freshly made along with our bread.

After breakfast, my daughter and I attempted the walk to the nearby village.  Unlike yesterday, we made it and found the pub that we later ate at.  We took a slight diversion on the way back.  Yesterday we disagreed about how to get back when we came to a fork.  She was right, but today, we took the other fork.  There was a lot of up and she rested on a bench before we headed back after making a half hearted attempt to move on.

Once back at the farm, we rested, and then all of us went out for lunch before we went for a drive.  We had been hoping to get to an isolated beach, but while we found beaches, they had people there and due to my concerns about COVID19, we did not go there.  We did find the Valley of Rocks where I went climbing.  I suspected that wildlife was going to be present but did not see any.  It was only later that the children told me about the feral goats that live here.

We had an okay but expensive dinner nearby and now it is time for bed.