Monday 3 August 2020

To rain or not to rain

In summary I went to the dump today in preparation for our trip to Devon later in the week.  Afterwards, we went to Brightlingsea were we shared a beach hut before it started to rain.

We got to spend a bit of time there taking in the sun and the view before it started to rain.  So we packed and left and then it stopped.  We stalked an ice cream van and drove home as the sun not only came out, but shone and it was like it had not rained at all.

I watched an episode of Rebels with my son, my daughter joining us as well before we had some friends round,  I do get nervous with people round as while I am at work, I am rarely within two metres of anyone and often, I am wearing PPE when doing so.  But it was nice to see them and have human contact.  We did have a discussion about the recent allegations of rape in parliament and the existence of the gagging order preventing the culprit from being named.  While we all agreed that rape and sexual assault are wrong we had some disagreements as to if the culture that makes some men feel that they have to right to molest others has changed or not.

I have been blocked again on Twitter despite being polite.  It was an interesting discussion but the person who blocked me kept responding on tweet with a deluge of tweets and then would get annoyed if we had not answered every point that he had raised in an attempt to avoid the points that I and others had made.

That is it for now, though my daughter is still having to cope without her phone,